Prayer Impact: A Pi Symbol Story

Steve and Rita had stuck a PI sticker on both their cars. One day their neighbour had parked his car and saw Steve getting into his car and asked what the PI symbol was all about.

Steve told him about Prayer Impact and that he and Rita would be praying for their neighbours if anything came up that they could pray for.

The neighbour replied that he'd had Jehovah's Witnesses around that day and he'd had enough of "Bible-Bashers"

Steve said "That's OK - don't worry about it" and went off to an appointment.

A few days later the neighbour called round to Steve and Rita's house with a parcel that he had taken in for them. He then told Rita about a family problem he and his wife were having and said "I'll leave it with you"

Steve and Rita and their Prayer Impact group will continued to pray for this couple and their family.

We would like as many Christians as possible to display the PI stickers on their cars and/or houses so that it becomes widely known throughout Petersfield and can generate opportunities like the one described above.

Please note: Steve and Rita are not their real names.